My Postpartum Depression Story

Today kicks of Maternal Mental Health week 2020. So, its time I share my story. I have shared bits and pieces of it in the past, but today, I’m laying it all out. Please be warned, there may be some triggers in here for those who have struggled or are struggling themselves with PPD. AboutContinue reading “My Postpartum Depression Story”

Look what God has Done

This week my church’s worship band, Madison Street Worship, released their newest Single, “Look what God has Done”. This week we also celebrated Decklyn’s 1st birthday. The timing couldn’t be more perfect. Decklyn is my second daughter. I was terrified to have her. I was terrified to have another child. For about 2 years IContinue reading “Look what God has Done”

COVID-19 and Postpartum Depression

Right now is a scary time for all. However, I want to make an argument that it is particularly scary for pregnant women due in the coming months. I also want to make the argument that we may see a spike in women struggling with Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders (PMAD). Lets begin by consideringContinue reading “COVID-19 and Postpartum Depression”

Are you at risk of postpartum depression?

So, you find yourself lookin at those two pink lines. Your excited about the future, and you should be! Congrats! But You’ve heard that 20% of women are diagnosed with PPD/A. So, what do you need to look out for? Are you at risk of being a part of those 20%? Here are some quickContinue reading “Are you at risk of postpartum depression?”

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